
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Workers' Compensation

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS, formerly called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy or RSD) is a chronic pain condition that can result from a work injury or surgery for a work injury. CRPS can be very debilitating if not diagnosed and treated promptly. CRPS is a controversial diagnosis in the workers' compensation world because there is no single "test" to confirm it. Rather, diagnosis is made based the presence (or absence) of a set of criteria during clinical exam, including burning pain in the affected limb, hypersensitivity, discoloration, and temperature change. CRPS is also controversial in the workers' compensation world because it is costly to treat. CRPS treatment can include regular visits to a specialist, injection therapy, physical and/or occupational therapy, medications, and in some cases, inpatient IV infusion therapy. Insurance companies often dispute CRPS claims and decline to cover treatment initially. This results in delayed diagnosis and treatment which can make it harder to treat effectively.

If you have CRPS as a result of a work injury, you need a strong advocate on your side. An experienced workers' compensation attorney who handles CRPS cases regularly will help you access better treatment faster while ensuring that you are being fairly compensated for your lost time from work. Call Maine Employee Rights Group, 207-874-0905, for expert advice on workers' compensation claims for CRPS.

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